Sometimes you just say f$%k it with photography, you might have spent 30 minutes on a single subject and you know it’s not working. Current, muck, sand, air, shitty divers & of course faulty equipment can all cause a shot not to work right, I was having one of those days trying to get a photo of an Ambon Scoprion Fish.
In the end I gave up on the Ambon and went hunting for other subjects, usually I don’t bother much with Cuttlefish anymore, there are a lot around, not very rare in terms of what people want to see and they usually spook pretty easy. I’d just come across one very well camouflaged into the sand, but he wasn’t moving much so thought I’d give him a chance.
Turned out OK I think, the Cuttlefish was happy to stay for a few camouflaged shots, then got angry with me and the light and decided on a threat display, the cool thing was normally when they do this, they have a tendency to jet backwards away from your camera rig.
Lucky for me, this guy decided to be bold and get his arms up right in front of where I was, which allowed me to get a few quick snaps right down his gullet. Here is the one I liked most.
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