I’ll put money on you never having seen a Devil Scorpion fish quite like this one, I’ve seen hundreds, possibly thousands of Devil Scorpion fish, Devil scorpion fish are bottom dwelling non moving ambush predators so camouflage is extremely important to them, they, especially Devil’s will lay still for probably days collecting algae, sand, sticks and other random bits of sea life, this helps them appear just like the rocks or shells that they like to hide in.
Many times though if you keep a keen eye peeled, you can find them hanging around off the reef, on the sandy area’s, usually they’ll make a small divet in the sand in which to lye, then they just sit and wait for food to come along. In this case I wasn’t food, in fact I didn’t even see it, my customer poked me and pointed at it while I was taking photo’s of a Stingray, I’d positioned myself on the sand, then this little guy started to hop, which is how they move much of the time, toward me.
By the time my customer had poked me and I turned to see what she was doing I saw this little Devil was quite close to me, I don’t know why he was moving in my direction, usually they don’t behave that way, but I figured I’d get a photo. It wasn’t until I opened it up on the computer at home I realised just how awesomely devlish this little guy truly was, he even has the horns, his vibrant reds are amazing and I’m just generally impressed at how much sand, algae, sticks and other things he managed to accumulated on him.
I feel like he has a lot of personality in this photo, big old grumpy looking face, telling me to get off his patch of sand, very awesome.
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