It’s no real surprise that Harlequin Shrimp are the most prized of all the shrimps for U.W Photographers, they have so many strange characteristics and qualities that you can’t help but be fascinated by their alien looks and their odd little behaviors.
You tend to find them in a mating pair in a lot of cases, and the general speculation is that you find them like this because they need to feed before going and making little Harlequins, so the mating pair will venture out, find a nice big ol Sea Star and chop off one of it’s arms for dinner.
The hungry couple then spend their next few days, or weeks and even sometimes months, guarding & devouring the Sea Star arm. Each time you visit a local couple of Harlequins like this, you will see slightly less of the Sea Star and once it has been eaten fully, the Harlequins will surely disappear.
So don’t miss any opportunity to photograph these little guys, they won’t show up in the same spot twice, though sometimes from year to year they do return in a location somewhat relative to the old one, but usually well removed. They seem to enjoy roaming inside the coral structures and rocks when not outside feasting on those tasty tasty Sea Stars.
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