Copyright Website Images

The images that appear on this website are the sole property and creation of Simon Ilett, there is a strict no use policy regarding all images if you do not qualify as a Charity, Non profit or Not for profit organisation. Individuals may use the images in an informational capacity only, provided the image remains unchanged and a credit/copyright link provided in the format below

Example web: Simon Ilett – (link directs to the image used)

Example print: Simon Ilett –

Copyright Purchased Images

Purchased images may of course be used for purposes that could potentially generate a profit for the purchaser. This includes, book & magazine publications, websites, mobile applications & games. The images must remain un-edited with the watermark in-tact, you may change the size of the image as necessary. If you wish to remove the watermark on an image for some reason, please contact me for information & purchase of non watermarked imagery.

All purchased imagery must still provide some form of copyright or credit to the copyright owner, Simon Ilett, regardless of how the image is used, for example, a copyright or credit is required for both print or digital format. This allows you to choose how your copyright information will look, it does not have to follow the linking standard in the fair use policy, though it’s probably a good idea to keep the same format.

In regards to hanging, wall prints of my imagery, you do not need to provide copyright or credit information if used in your home or office. If for some reason you are using the images in a gallery or museum, copyright & credit information must be provided for the image.

Fair Use Policy

Fair use of my images constitutes the following, reproduction & print if you are an individual, non profit or not for profit organization.

If you are an individual, non profit or not for profit organization wishing to use my images for your own website or publication (which is informational in purpose only), you may use the images in a maximum of 1920 * 1080 pixels in size, you must provide a correct and readable copyright link back to the image. The copyright link must be a spider-able link, you may not use my images if you intend to provide a ‘nofollow’ copyright link, that’s the deal.

Example web: Simon Ilett – (link directs to the image used)

  • You are not entitled to use the ultra HD images or any version of my images above the size 1920 * 1080 pixels for any reason.
  • You are not entitled to resell or profit from in anyway through the use of my images in any format.
  • You are not entitled to remove the watermark on the image for any reason

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