Occasionally in underwater photography you do get a little too close to your subjects, the thrill of what you are doing can sometimes get the better of you and you think, just one more inch, just a little bit closer, most of the time, no problem, the critter will stay still, move off or give you a warning to take off. From time to time though, your subject may go step further and actually pretty much attack your camera rig or you.
Cuttlefish aren’t exactly viscous killers, but they definitely have a beak which can break shells and carve up fingers if you are not careful, so one day when I was taking shots of a mating pair of cuttlefish I got a little too close, the male took offense and had a good go at my camera, but you can’t flinch in photography, the shot is sometimes more important than personal injury and I decided since I’d already annoyed it, I’d just keep getting some photos of it’s more violent behavior as it latched onto my camera housing and had a few little thumps at the lens.
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