White Eyed Moray Eel

White Eyed Moray – The Forest Through The Tree’s


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I’m a big fan of Moray Eels, they always look like they are trying to tell a really bad joke or laughing maniacally at one. This one is called a White Eyed Moray, for obvious reasons, they don’t get very big in most cases, and love to play/hunt inside the green cup and fan corals that abound on the reefs, sometimes you can find 3 or 4 of them in the same tree of cup corals.

The oddest thing about White Eyed Morays, for me, was always the fact that when reviewing the photos I’d taken of them, their eyes or mostly the white ring was always blurry, not out of focus, just blurred, it ruined quite a lot of nice photos of White Eyed Morays that I’d taken, I’ve since learned how to angle the light on them to prevent this blurring around the eye, I assume it has something to do with their eye being slightly reflective and distorting the powerful lights of my dive torches.

Thankfully in this photo the eye is perfectly non blurry and I caught him sticking his head out of the corals with his mouth open, I find this image quite striking with the green Cup coral to contrast the Moray’s drab greys, I also like the background of more corals fading out into obscurity, a little bit like an underwater forest.

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